Family Home Evening Ideas – Emergency Preparedness


looking for ways to teach your family about emergency preparedness? Try these preparedness activities on the family tonight

– Identify safe places in the house and practice of earthquake drill.

– Review fire safety tips and how to use your home fire extinguisher.

– Practice leaving the house as if it were fire. Practice leaving from several different rooms, especially bedrooms, in the darkness, as if you do not have power.

– Head out and talk to your neighbors about the disaster plan. Identify if the neighbors have special abilities such as medical training or special tools, such as work gloves and chainsaws to clear away debris.

– Remind family contact phone numbers, including out-of-town emergency contact.

– Check emergency kits. Where are they stored and do they have everything you need? Some items in the kits disaster may have expired and must be renewed. Kids might have outgrown clothes or shoes in their emergency kits as well.

– Learn how to turn off gas and water to you.

– Check food and water storage supply. It must not be reversed? Are the foods your family no longer likes to eat the leftovers?

– Practice eating a meal without power or gas from storage food supply website.

– Take first aid, CPR, and AED procedures. Where are your first aid kits and AEDs located? Do your kids know how to call 9-1-1?

– Discuss emergency meeting points, both the one outside your house as well as the one outside your neighborhood in case of evacuation. Do your kids know where it is located and how to get there? Do they have the address of the memory?

– Discuss what types of emergencies are likely to occur in your area and how appropriate response. Run mock drills.


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